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  • Za iznos porudžbine veći od  5.000,-rsd, troškove isporuke snosi Carpologija! Težina paketa ne sme preći 20kg

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Savage Gear LT Stickleblade 42mm 6g

Savage Gear LT Stickleblade 42mm 6g

275 RSD

0 out of 5



Line Thru pilker, prvenstveno namenjen za ribolov pastrmke. Može se voditi i polako i brzo, a pri prestanku vođenja propada i rotira 360 što provocira grabljivicu na napad.

  • Line thru dizajn
  • Ultra oštre trokrake
  • Tvrde perlice
  • 360 rotacija

Ribolovačka oprema, Proizvođač: Svendsen Sport, Uvoznik: Carpologija d.o.o., Zemlja porekla: Narodna Republika Kina

Original price was: 550 RSD.Current price is: 275 RSD.
Pročitajte još Original price was: 550 RSD.Current price is: 275 RSD.

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Pročitajte još Original price was: 550 RSD.Current price is: 275 RSD.

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Pročitajte još Original price was: 550 RSD.Current price is: 275 RSD.

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This small Line thru blade, with amazing details inspired by the Stickle back, that is on the menu for
trout big parts of the year. The lure has a super enticing, almost dancing action on the retrieve and
can be fished at various speeds – even very slow. On spin stop, the lure will rotate slowly away from
the centerline – often triggering hard strikes. The lure can fished both forward or backwards, giving
you two action styles. Superb for UL trout fishing in both fresh and saltwater.
• Linethru design
• Ultra sharp treble hook prerigged on split ring
• 5 hard beads in Glow and neutral colors
• Lively and erratic action
• 360-degree rotation on the spin stop
• 42mm: ST46 #12, 52mm: ST46 #10